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© PhoenixTales
- [delvin] Reconstruct piranha-bytes.com/2002 site. Many page are missing in the archive.org though.
- [delvin] Reconstruct piranha-bytes.com/2000-2001 site. Most pages are missing for the German version and some for the English one, for more info see - https://sites.gothicarchive.org/piranha-bytes.com/2000-2001/info.txt
- [delvin] Partially reconstruct piranha-bytes.com/1999-2000 site (some images and pages are lacking still).
- [delvin] Reconstruct some of the English and German pages for gothicthegame.com/1992-2002 site.
- [delvin] Add the original 5.jpg, 6.jpg and 7.jpg to the gothicthegame.com/2003-2007 site.
- [delvin] Add missing 3.jpg, 5.jpg, 6.jpg and 7.jpg to the gothicthegame.com/2003-2007 site. 5.jpg, 6.jpg and 7.jpg are not from the original site, but as a temporary solution were taken from the https://github.com/PhoenixTales/images.gothicarchive.org/ repository, until the original ones are found.
- [delvin] Transfer PressKit 2001 site to the sites.gothicarchive.org domain.
- [delvin] Transfer Vadim's Spellcraft sites (older and newer) to the sites.gothicarchive.org domain.
- [delvin] Transfer e-comix.de to the sites.gothicarchive.org domain.
- [delvin] Add missing images for "e-comix.de/gothic/" reconstruction.
- [avallach & delvin] Fix German umlauts for presskit2001 site and some other pages and files.
- [delvin] Finish reconstructing presskit2001 site. Some .eps files are missing and replacement characters should be fixed.
- [delvin] Reconstruct "Spellcraft-armalion" and "Spellcraft studio - games / Technomage" pages from http://www.spellcraft.de/ site.
- [flosha] Add four new scans thanks to Artolink, an early armour concept by Ralf that was already in the archive, but only in form of a copy; now the original (gardist-or-soeldner.jpg), a new flyer to /promotion/printmedia and early Sleeper Mask form sketches by Ralf Marczinczik added to artworks/sleepermask/
- [flosha] Add descriptions to Sleeper Mask sketches, added additional sketch by Mike and displayed them in a black (inverted) style in order to fit better to the rest of the artworks on the sketch; the original non-inverted images are in the archive.
- [flosha] Create new document ralf/characters and reorder some images in a new folder /characters to differentiate his character designs from the costume design; add three new character concepts to ralf/characters/ thanks to Don Esteban and seven ones that have been before in costumes/later/
- [flosha] Add early firemage sketch by Ralf to the later costume designs
- [flosha] Add russian translation of Sleeper's Ban, translated by Sofia Mineeva, with editing by Nikita Brezgin and other members of the GMT team, layout by Yakov Novak and with a cover by Anastasiia Fomicheva.
- [flosha] Add english translation of Sleeper's Ban, created by Asnen with the help of AI, proof-reading and manual modifications
- [flosha] Add english translation of the Finster demo, original menu background and high-res version of the menu-screen (upscaled), thanks to Flatczer
- [flosha] Add additional cover art to /artworks/cover.html
- [flosha] Add ukrainian translation by Flatczer of PBs screenshot story
- [flosha] Add a promotional text written by Filler in 9/13/2000 from an english Demo 1.08h, thanks to Simon aka meatbug
- [flosha] Add first logo design to artworks/logos, extracted from the document above
- [flosha & Avallach] Structure all Orpheus and Phoenix documents in two new subpages in table form.
- [flosha] Add new photos of the troll figure to /promotion/merch, thanks to Lord Pappnase
- [delvin & flosha] 15.-18.10.24: Seperate navigation scrollbar, new heading fonts, diverse minor stylistic improvements
- [flosha] 18.10.24: Added Finster Soundtrack, extracted from the game by Bloody
- [flosha] Restyled the graphical links of the startpage, added captions
- [flosha] Reorganisation of the menu structure; removal of modding related points to be covered by our Gothic MDK page
- [flosha] Add new graphical link to our Gothic MDK at mdk.gothicarchive.org
- [flosha] Add missed sketch from our scans to ralfmarczinczik/psicamp (PsiCamp_Details.jpg)
- [avallach] Move website mirrors to sites.gothicarchive.org
30.09.24 / 0.91
- [avallach] reimplement Jekyll / Liquid templates for handling sub-domain URLs
- [avallach] update documentation for code contributors describing the new multi-repository system
- [avallach] compress uncompressed images, remove duplicates
- [avallach] split the archive storage into multiple repositories (audio, bin, images, videos, www)
- [avallach] implement a tool for validating split of files between subrepositories
- [flosha] Add Gothic Comic Scan that wasn't possible to publish so far, due to a lacking permission: Now available in the Archive thanks to Henrik Fetz
- [flosha] Add original pencil drawings of the Gothic Comic by Henrik Fetz, thanks to Henrik Fetz and Alexander
- [flosha] Fix wrongly assigned concept arts by Tom Thiel and Henrik Fetz (as pointed out by Henrik Fetz)
- [flosha] Add two early Gothic Promotion Flyers and a Promotion Booklet to documents/press/ as .pdf's, scans included (raw/), thanks to Don Esteban
- [flosha] Publication of the Finster Demo with kind permission of the Mad Scientists
- [flosha] Added 0.94k loading screen to artworks/loading, thanks to David
- [flosha] Added 0.94k and Finster Menu ("Startscreen") to artworks/menu
- [flosha] Modify the selection background from default blue to a desaturated red/wine
- [flosha] Style the scrollbar as done before at phoenixthegame.com
- [flosha] Added graphical link to 0.94k and the Finster Demo
- [flosha] Prepared a new subpage for the release of the Finster Demo
- [flosha] Added 'Evolution of the Hero (Faces)' by Bloody to /research
- [flosha] Fixed 0.94k weapon renderings, include them to /research, restructure old alpha weapons
- [Bloody] Added weapon renderings from 0.94k
- [flosha] Added 8 new/slightly different tracks from our newly acquired version 0.94k to music/; thanks to Bloody
- [flosha] Added 17 new and exclusive Underworld/Temple Concepts by Ralf from folder2 to ralfmarczinczik/underworld/
- [flosha] Added 35 new and exclusive Ancient Temple sketches by Mike from folder2 to conceptart/mikehoge/temple/
- [flosha] Added 12 new psi camp related and 7 general location related sketches by Mike from folder2 which were not yet released to conceptart/mikehoge/
- [flosha] Added a bunch of higher quality scans of sketches by Mike which are already in the archive; 7 in relation to the forest design, 3 in relation to locations, 16 npc related ones, 10 vobs related, 18 buildings related and 2 maps, but kept the lower quality scans in the .html for performance; as well as 36 higher quality scans of Prison related Concept Arts by Ralf
- [flosha] Added 24 high quality scans of inspirations from folder2 to research/inspirations/folder2/; a collection of diverse images which Mike found inspiring
- [flosha] Added 7 higher quality scans of mine related concept arts by Ralf from folder2; but kept the lower quality scans in the .html for performance
- [flosha] Added two scans from Mike folders, a screen of the early Psi Sanctum and a screen of the Pre-Alpha Psi Camp as wire frame to /screenshots/orderedbylocation/psicamp/
- [flosha] Added russian print media promotion (magazine scans and low-resolution originals) provided by Max and Markus/Feuerbarde; translated by Max and Unron
- [flosha] Added the animated intro of the Gothic Website from 2003-2007 as an mp3 and swf, thanks to Bloody
- [flosha] Mentioned the Finster Demo, Gothic Demo 0.94k and 1.00b in the list, which were rescued lately
- [flosha] Added an exclusive collection of 14 diverse Phoenix Documentations, mostly from 07.1999
- [flosha] Added an old exclusive Story document from various authors, called "Story 3.3", last time edit at 24.05.1999
- [flosha] Fixed various missing words in the NSCsPerGuild transcript (and changed format .txt -> .md)
[ 0.9b ]
- [flosha] Replaced current Edgar Postcard scans/photos with higher quality scans by ThielHater except for #3394 which he can't provide; I left it out of the page for qualitative consistency and since its basically the same as #3329
- [flosha] Added new concept arts assumed to be from Frank Ziemlinksi (Complex.jpg, SumpfEingang.jpg, Sumpflager.jpg) and replaced some concepts by him (Stairs, Burg, Steinblock) with higher resolution scans of originals from folder 2
- 24.10.21 [flosha] Fixed patches (kyro2 = 1.08j) and added lacking patch notes for 1.07c, thanks to Vaana; added G2 cover concept thanks to Nex and another one in higher resolution
- 10.10.21 [flosha] Replaced four orc cave concept arts by Ralf Marczinczik with higher resolution scans
- 04.10.21 [flosha] Added scans of concept arts by Ralf Marczinczik to conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/newcamp/ (higher resolution scans and others released for the first time)
- 25.09.21 [flosha] Added scans of concept arts by Ralf Marczinczik to conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/surface/ (released for the first time)
- 25.09.21 [flosha] Added Gothic Wallpaper and Throne Room Reconstruction by Avallach to new section postrelease/fanart; added photographies of all four edgar carts given to us by Skrauti (roughly fixed the perspective before)
- 29.08.21 [flosha] Added .txt of the NSCs per Guild scan, typewriting from me because it was so hard to read
- 25.08.21 [flosha] Added upscaled videos of Vadim to artworks/vadim/videos created by Czes?aw Korcipa
- 19.08.21 [Bloody] Added 0.64b monsters to research/
[ 0.9a ] 20th Anniversary Special
- 15.04.21 [flosha] Added Tom interview part 4, renamed ../ralfmarczinczik/armors(.html) to "/costumes(.html) and added all of his costume designs from Mikes design folders; added a text to finish the anniversary with and uploaded the Phoenix Concept's Main plot document: "Haupmissionen".
- 14.04.21 [flosha] Added PhoenixNSCsPerGuild.pdf to documents/phoenix/, divided conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/oldcamp into oldcamp & prison and added several A4 scans from Mike's folders to both, including a new order, file names and image descriptions, added the third part of our interview with Tom Putzki
- 13.04.21 [flosha] Added OrpheusGuilds-V2.pdf to documents/orpheus/, added the second part of our interview with Tom Putzki, added 0.56c monster renderings by Bloody, created according to my suggestion
- 12.04.21 [flosha] Reordered Design Docs in an orpheus/ and phoenix/ folder, created new orpheus and phoenix design docs subpages + headers, changed links in the menu and the anniversary page, added OrpheusGuilds-V1.pdf to documents/orpheus/, Inspirations.pdf to documents/misc/ and the first part of our interview with Tom Putzki to postrelease/interviews/, added three scans to documents/misc/inventory,added two scans to documents/misc/ ('You are thrown in the prison' and 1H Schwert 'Talentstufen')
- 11.04.21 [flosha] Added OrpheusFightControls.pdf to documents/, add new A4 surface concepts by Ralf and replaced several older concepts from Ralfs website through higher resolution ones ("Nebelturm", "Altes Fort (1 & 3)", "Insel vor der Küste", "Gesunkenes Schiff")
- 10.04.21 [flosha] Added OrpheusInterface.pdf and PhoenixInterface.pdf to documents/
- 09.04.21 [flosha] Added PhoenixAI.pdf to documents/ and the complete Sleeper's Ban .pdf including the last pages (181 to 193), added one picture to conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/psicamp/ and one to "/newcamp and fixed artifacts in several concept arts from Ralf
- 08.04.21 [flosha] Added orccaves(.html) to conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/ and pages 161-180 "
- 07.04.21 [flosha] Added PhoenixLevelstruktur.png to documents/ and pages 141-160 of Alexanders Story
- 06.04.21 [flosha] Added mines(.html) to conceptart/ralfmarczinczik/ and pages 121-140 of Alexanders Story
- 05.04.21 [flosha] Added Orpheus B-Scribbles to documents/, pages 101-120 of the Story and a picture from Alex Wittmann (thanks to Tom Putzki)
- 04.04.21 [flosha] Added Phoenix-Concept remainings to documents/ and pages 81-100 of the Story
- 03.04.21 [flosha] Added design documents related to the spacer, pages 61-80 of the Story, added fourth version of the classes to the improved 'evolution of the classes' by Bloody and fixed the PhoenixSpells.pdf (thanks to JudgeKyle)
- 02.04.21 [flosha] Added all design documents related to spells and pages 41-60 of the Story
- 01.04.21 [flosha] Added Orpheus Main Plot Notes "Der Rote Faden" and pages 21-40 of the Story
- 31.03.21 [flosha] Published the first 20 pages of the Gothic Story by Alex Wittmann
- 30.03.21 [flosha] Added early monster designs by Vadim to conceptart/vadim(.html)
- [flosha] Added a bundle of four additional handwritten animation notes to documents/
- [flosha] Added the "Werdegang eines SC" notes to documents/ (CharacterProgression.pdf)
- [flosha] Dated the former unknown NBC GIGA X-Stream on 6/28/1999 thanks to ThielHater, who found this date in a commentary in the HTML Code of the embedded Real Player
- [flosha] Added several new urls to misc/fanpages.txt, thanks to Wunddorn
- [flosha] Added the 1.01 HUD to research/hudevolution(.html)
- [flosha] Added a missing muenzer avatar and fixed InEx layout
- [flosha] Added an animations concept document
- [flosha] Added short InEx band member description, improved Cover and Gothic Ad Scans of 'Verehrt und Angespien' and 'This Corrosion' Cover Scans (thanks to Wunddorn), as well as exclusive InEx screenshots (thanks to Tom Putzki) to promotion/inex(.html)
- [flosha] Added Mikes forest scribbles
- [flosha] Added an image with funny scribbles from Mike collected by me (scribbles-bonus.png)
- [flosha] Added an early Demo Walkthrough Document for a Phoenix Demo to documents/
- [flosha] Added Mikes modeling instructions to buildings.html
- [flosha] Added the remainings of an Orpheus Concept Summary (1996) to documents/
- [flosha] Updated merch/ with scans of the YPS magazine
- [flosha] Updated inex/ with Gothic advertisment and cover scans of 'Verehrt und Angespien', thanks to Wunddorn
- [flosha] Added Object/Vob scribbles by Mike
- [flosha] Updated the alpha weapon page, thanks to Bloody
- 24.03.21 [flosha] Added Mikes NPC sketches and scribbles
- 23.03.21 [flosha] Added Dungeon scribbles by Mike and Frank
- 22.03.21 [flosha] Added Mike Interview Part 3
- 21.03.21 [flosha] Added Mikes scribbles for the vertical slice (0.56c)
- 20.03.21 [flosha] Added music from v0.56c and v0.64b (thanks to Bloody)
- 20.03.21 [flosha] Added Monster Concepts/Scribbles to conceptart/ "
- 19.03.21 [flosha] Added Orc Concepts/Scribbles to conceptart/ (Frank & Mike)
- 18.03.21 [flosha] Added Mike Interview Part 2
- 17.03.21 [flosha] Added Mike Interview Part 1
- [flosha] Added conceptart/frankziemlinski/buildings(.html)
- [flosha]Added conceptart/mikehoge/buildings(.html)
- [flosha] Added several additional alpha weapon shots to research/alphaweapons(.html), thanks to Bloody
- [flosha] Added conceptart/mikehoge/maps(.html)
- [flosha] Added conceptart/mikehoge/locations(.html)
- [flosha] Added an improved classes comparison by Bloody to research/
- [Avallach] Replaced Thomas Cole in research/inspirations/ with Nicolas Roerich
- [flosha] Added InExtremo Meeting Pictures, thanks to Tom Putzki
- [flosha] Two new pictures in developers/piranhabytes/, thanks to Tom Putzki
- [flosha] Included several unreleased G2 Screenshots, thanks to Tom Putzki
[ 0.8 ]
[flosha] 13.03.21
- Added Dmitriy's Interview with Mike from 30.12.2020
- Included the Gothic Girl Pictures from the PressKit
- Changed the styling of the h1 element on subpages
- Adjustment of every subpage to Avallachs jekyll template
[flosha] 11.03.21
- Add upscaled version of the later monster sketches by Vadim
- Added a body model comparison by Bloody to research/
[Avallach] 21.02.21
- Added menu toggle for mobile layout, to hide the archive list without using javascript
[flosha] 14.02.21
- Added a flyer from Mike's design folders to promotion/printmedia/
- Added two additional comic preview pictures from ipp-world (thanks to Avallach)
- Added the 'Edgar Postkarten' to promotion/edgarkarten/, thanks to Don-Esteban
- Scanned/Added a new picture of the founders from Mike to developers/piranhabytes/
[flosha] 07.02.21
- Added alternative image text (alt) for accessibility to all images on the index, as suggested to me by AmProsius
- Added two early psi camp models to research/earlyworldmodels/ (5_5_98.jpg & 6_5_98.jpg), thanks to Phantom and Voron25
[Avallach] 04.02.21
- Included jekyll templates according to my (floshas) wish to keep the archive list visible on sub pages without the need to include (and constantly change with updates) the list on every page; by using jekyll we could achieve this without javascript.
[flosha] 01.02.21
- Added stuff from the presskit (the one I've added in 0.7.1) to various sections:
- Three concept arts to a new section conceptart/henrikfetz/
- Additional artwork by Tom Thiel to artworks/tomthiel(.html), gobbo_popup.jpg
- Three sketches by Tom Thiel to conceptarts/tom(.html)
- Added another Presskit of Gothic 1 (thanks to Drac)
- Added a Presskit from Jowood from 2002 with Information about the Sequel/G2 to postrelease/ (thanks to Dmitriy)
- Added a new description and a few reference pictures by Arnold Böcklin, Thomas Cole and Albert Bierstadt to inspirations/ (thanks to Avallach)
- Fixed artifacts in the Gothic Archive Logo
- Added a new distinct favicon for the Gothic Archive
[flosha] 30.01.21
- Added a new section inspirations/ to /research in addition to the secrets/ section
- Added "Texte_PB_Page" (including three documents) to websites/ (thanks to Mike)
- Added PC Action Preview Video in original quality (thanks to Dmitriy)
[ 0.7.1 ]
[flosha] 27.12.20
- Added improved Map Evolution Artworks to research/worldmap/ and replaced the old maps inside the worldmap.html with his improved maps (thanks to Flatcher Goth, Vaana and Nex)
[flosha] 24.12.20
- Cleaned the CSS
- Updated the README
- Added a PressKit (Website on CD and the attached letter) from 2001 to promotion/ (thanks to an anonymous source; exclusive release)
- Reconstructed e-comix.de/gothic/ website (src)
- Integrated Gothic Archive Ascii logo v2 into changelog
- Added additional graphical link to Uwe Meier's Refined Models
- Improved the grapical link to Uwe Meier's paintings
- Improved the graphical link to Mike's concept art
- Added various cover scans (thanks to gogothic.ru):
- Snowball 2 CD Jewel Case (ru)
- Snowball 2 CD DVD Box (ru)
- Bestway 2 CD Jewel Case (ru)
- Bestway 2 CD DVD Box (ru)
- Xicat Interactive 2 CD Retail Box (en)
- Added russian manual (Gothic-Manual_ru.pdf) to documents/ created from .jpg's thanks to gogothic.ru (as included in the snowball dvd box edition)
- Added donate button to liberapay
[flosha] 23.12.20
- Changes in screenshots/orderedbylocation/:
- Replaced a screen with a higher quality one (d6uhR4vkFFI.jpg -> ects14b.jpg in surface/OM/)
- Added a screenshot to oldcamp (n3.jpg)
- Created a new overview page (screenshots/orderedbylocation.html)
- Added a new easteregg (handbook) that I found to research/secrets(.html)/
- Reordered several testlevel screens (thanks to Vanna)
- Created graphical link to the PB presentation
- Added content to developers/piranhabytes/
- Early Piranha Bytes team structure
- A collection of team pictures
- Motion Capturing
- Early Devlog from Piranha Bytes' website
- Piranha Bytes Company & Team Presentation
- Piranha Bytes Job Section
- Improved display and added maps to research/worldmap.html
[flosha] 20.12.20
- Recreated the ASCII Logo
- Updated Gothic Archive Logo
- Created a G2 Pre-Alpha Section due to high demand
- Added Beta Music and Pre-Alpha Music by KaiRo to music/ (most of those tracks were never published before)
- Added low-poly reference by Uwe Meier to artworks/sequel/
- Added .mp4's to artworks/vadim/videos/ to directly display videos inside the .html (thanks to ThielHater)
- Included the Concept Art part with Mikes design folders from KaiRos Livestream to postrelease/interviews/
- Added Herr Mannelig Unplugged to promotion/inex(.html)/
- Added version numbers to menu/loading.html (artworks/)
[flosha] 19.12.20
- Added new graphics to the graphical links:
- Four founders of PB as link to the planned team picture section
- A photo by Sascha Henrichs as link to the devlogs
- Added NBC Giga X-Stream Website to previews/ (the 3 clips linked in it are lost; web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20000817184155/http://giga.de/x-stream/archives/g/gothic/index.html)
- Added 14 concept arts to conceptart/mike(.html)/:
- 2 Concept Arts from the Artbook (4friends.jpg & mikecharsketches.jpg)
- 12 Concept Arts from the Phoenix Pitch (Phoenix_the_3D_Realtime_RPG_**.jpg)
[flosha] 17.12.20
- Changed the graphical Nyx-Link to our new page phoenixthegame.com & added link in post-release
- Updated the Phoenix Tales logo in the footer
- Fixed display of the favicon in the screenshot section
- Added artbookscreenshot.jpg to Screenshots (1997-07-1999-08 / OldCamp)
- Added higher resolution image of the Waran Princess to artworks/uwemeier/ [Uwes_Boris-Homage1.jpg, paintings.html] (thanks to ThielHater)
- Added three concept arts to conceptart/tomthiel/ - 1.jpg, gorn.jpg, Milten.jpg (thanks to ThielHater)
- Added OrcRunes.ttf to postrelease/fonts/, created by EvilTwin
- Added description on the Logo development to artworks/logo(.html)/
- Added the Gothic Logo used in the english Manual to artworks/logo(.html)/ and improved the Logo 2001a (thanks to LordRiisis)
- Added loading(.html)/ to artworks/ including 6 loading screens known to be used in the game + one screen (Logo_2.JPG) similar to the 1.01 loading screen, probably older, from an unknown source (thanks to ThielHater)
- Added Demo4 Menu & 0.64b Menu Screenshot to artworks/menu(.html)/
- Added higher resolution Comic Cover to promotion/comic/ (thanks to ThielHater)
- Added comic.html to promotion/ including the Comic Preview Images without the soulsofgothic watermark (thanks to ThielHater).
- Added soulsofgothic/ to promotion/comic/, including some pages of the Gothic Comic most released prior to its release (thanks to ThielHater).
- Added two new docs to research/docs/:
- Gothic-Early_Background_Info.doc by Phantom
- Gothic-Editions.pdf by Gor
- Updated two documents in research/docs by Phantom:
- Gothic-Cut_Unused_Changed_Content_ru.doc
- Gothic-Demoversions.doc
- Added new hover effect for images in the graphical navigation
- Added 'EarlyOreArmor_Artbook.jpg' to artworks/npcs/
[flosha] 08.08.20
- Added SystemPack versions 1.1, 1.5 and 1.6 to postrelease/patches/ (thanks to ThielHater).
- Added Patch 1.08j (gothic-patch1.08j.exe) to postrelease/patches/ (thanks to ThielHater).
- Added two new images to artworks/uwemeier/, "Weltpanorama (Nacht).jpg" and "Weltpanorama (Tag).jpg" (slightly different than the other ones; thanks to ThielHater).
[flosha] 04.08.20
- Added link to OpenGothic to /postrelease/engine/
- switched bild6.jpg from artworks/unknown to uwemeier/ and dissolved unknown/ in artworks/, thanks to Ralf Marczinczik
- switched 8be5e2801dbe012ec43aeb6b95929444.jpg, bild3.jpg, e91bfbfe4c76186cdecdff2ce5bb2162.jpg & Td3OleDfighter1.jpg from conceptarts/unknown/ to mike/ and dissolved unknown/ in conceptarts/, thanks to Ralf Marczinczik
[flosha] 03.08.20
- Transformed changelog.txt into a .html (to have correct formatting regardless of screen size)
[flosha] 26.07.20
- Added english demo v1.08j (thanks to Vaana)
- Added more phenomedia docs (documents/phenomedia.zip) and the german version of the annual report 1999 specifically (thanks to Vaana)
- Fixed a mistake: Uwe Maier -> Uwe Meier
[ 0.7 ]
[flosha] 19.07.20
- Added scans of the original Phoenix (Gothic) Pitch
(thanks to Martin Dietrich, Mike Hoge and GameStar)
- Improved /research/secrets.html:
- All comparison pictures are now animated .gifs
- Credits for Don-Esteban for finding Gomez' Armor model
- Added the 'place of resurrection' and its inspiration
- Added KaiRos NightSky texture Easteregg (thanks Tyra)
- Added info about Uriziels internal name (Mythrilklinge)
- Added hidden messages translated from orcish found on
textures and covers (thanks to Flatcher Goth; more info
here: https://worldofplayers.ru/threads/41280/)
- Replaced many artworks with originals
from 1999 and 2000 in higher quality:
- Most Babe artworks (/artworks/babes/)
- Most Monster artworks (/artworks/monsters/)
- Some refined artworks (/artworks/uwemaier/refinedmodels/)
- Some NPC artworks (/artworks/npcs/)
- Uwes_Baron_Babes.jpg (/artworks/uwemaier/)
- Added CrawlerQueen.jpg to /artworks/monsters/
- Added Troll2.jpg to /artworks/monsters/ (partly refined)
- Added Guru_medium.jpg to /artworks/npcs/ (forgot this)
- Added gorn.jpg to /artworks/tomthiel/ (high resolution)
- Added a photo of a flyer to /promotion/the13thwarrior/
which was part of the first german edition of Gothic
(thanks to Sternchenfarbe)
- Added two converted videos to /previews/videos/
which we do not yet have in original quality:
- PCAction_GothicPreview1999.mp4
- Gothic-Preview_Gamestar-0301.mp4
- Added a few previews:
- 03/01: PC Player | Gameswelt | 4players
GIGA Game TV | gamespot.co.uk
- 09/01: justadventure.com
- 10/01: gamersuplink.com | gamerspulse.com
intelgamer.com | gamespot.com
- Added reviews (collected by Odin68):
- GameStar 03/01
- Gameswelt 03/01
- mystics.de 03/01
- gamedesk.de 03/01
- GIGA Game TV 03/01
- krawall.de 03/01
- raffs.de 03/01
- gzone.de 03/01
- gamecaptain.de 03/01
- gamesmania.de 03/01
- PC Action 04/01 / Video
- Computer Bild Spiele 04/01
- PC Games 04/01
- PC Player 04/01
- GamersUnitedNetwork.de 04/01
- topofgames.de 04/01
- Gamigo.de 04/01
- Computer Bild Spiele 05/01
- soulofgothic.4players.de 05/01
- rpgdot.com 05/01
- Computer Bild Spiele 06/01
- ComputerspieleTotal.de 06/01
- bonusweb.cz 06/01
- PCPlayer 06/01
- houseospank.com 11/01
- Added interview to /postrelease/interviews/:
- State_thestate.fsnet.co.uk 11/01
- Added a download link to the whole archive (.zip).
Thank you to Don-Esteban & World of Gothic.
[flosha] 18.07.20
- Changed /conceptart/ralf/characters.html to armors.html
- Added five images to /conceptart/ralf/:
- Helme.jpg & 963.jpg to armors.html
- 372.jpg & 373.jpg to psicamp.html
- 962.jpg to /symbols (new)
- Updated the Gothic Alpha Cut Content Documentation
- Added inspirations.txt to /research
- Added NicoDEVersions.txt to /research/versionhistory/
- Added Cross Promotion Section to /promotion including
- In Extremo/
- The 13th Warrior (Poster & Trailer)
[from the Gothic CD, thanks to Tyra]
- Added G1_Int.jpg to artworks/cover.html
- Replaced mask6.jpg in artworks/sleepermask/ with
sleeper.png (official art with higher resolution)
- Added "Poster Kopie.jpg" to promotion/printmedia/
- Added /installer/Gothic.jpg to /artworks (thanks to Tyra)
- Added /box_design to /artworks (german Box/CD Artworks)
- Added /patchnotes to /postrelease/patches/ (incomplete)
- Added all official Demos (which are known to me) to demos/
- Added g1_int_reviews.doc to postrelease/reviews/ (author unknown)
- Added g1-production.pdf to /research/docs/ (author unknown)
- Added four videos to /previews/videos/
original quality, thanks to Vaana)
- GameStar Video Special 09/1999
- PC Games Videoreportage 11/1999
- PC Player Preview 03/2001
- PC Games Preview 03/2001
- Added a video to postrelease/reviews/videos/
- PC Action Review 04/2001
- Improved research/secrets.html:
- Added a link (there was only a graphical link before)
- Added possible meaning of the sword texture inscription
- Added section "Homages" (Mud, Steve, Charlotte, Netbek)
- Added section on Marvin / 42 / 'What was the question?'
- Added three original .psd files to /artworks/npcs/_psd/
[flosha] 12.07.20
- Added new documentations by Phantom95 to /research
- Gothic Alpha Cut Content Documentation
- Gothic Demo Documentation
[flosha] 10.07.20
- Added a Tree View (pure CSS) to the archive list
[flosha] 05.07.20
- Simplified the whole archive structure
- Reduced the overall number of stylesheets
- Simplified every .html file
- fixed favicon display
[flosha] 04.07.20
- Finally structured the Screenshots to add new
section /screenshots/orderedbylocation/
[flosha] 17.06.20
- Added dynamic resizing of the layout for smaller screens
and a new layout for mobile screens through pure CSS
[ 0.6 ]
[flosha] 27.03.20
- Added a new article to /PostRelease Research by Vaana on
the relation between CodeCreatures and Genome Engine
[flosha] 25.03.20
- Added list of unused content in Sequel
build 1.12f by Phantom95
[flosha] 24.03.20
- Added new Company Logos to /Misc
- Greenwood Entertainment
- Xicat Interactive
- Interwise Multimedia
- Added a World Development Section to Research/
with maps created by Vaana to show how the world
most likely was looking like at different stages
of development and a modified version of the first
Orpheus map (as shown by Mike Hoge), made by Nex.
[flosha] 23.03.20
- Added chinese patch 1.08j (thanks to Rodrigues)
- Added a russian manual and readme.htm (thanks to Rodrigues)
- Added a logo and a picture to InExtremo/ (inex.html)
- Added Screenshots to InExtremo/ (inex.html)
- Added new more or less original images to gothicthegame.com
- krieger.jpg & shamane.jpg in the Orc Special (special4.htm);
- sfrightened.jpg, shappy.jpg, shostile.jpg, sneutral.jpg,
sspeaking.jpg (but under different names, as used on the site)
to the screen page plus the four screens of the four friends
as they seem to belong there too (screensb.htm and screens2.htm)
- Added new reconstructions of images to gothicthegame.com
- A reconstruction of the small and normal lamp symbols used
throughout the design (made from gothic fire textures; I
have no idea how they looked like originally though); same
case with the border graphic ("strich1.jpg"), made from a
graphic used on an old piranha-bytes web design.
- 6 german banners reconstructed by me (Die Story, Die
Screenshots, Die Features, Die Presse, Die News, Die
- 4 Images in the Orc Special (special4.htm)
- 2 Images in the Goblin Special (special7.htm)
- 1 Image in the E3 Special (special8.htm)
- 8 images in "Music" (music.htm, now complete)
[flosha] 22.03.20
- Added transcripts of the Video interview
'Kamingespräch mit Tom Putzki' (18.08.17), Part 01 and 02
[ 0.5 ]
[flosha] 21.03.20
- First official release.